Tuina massage
The Tuina massage is a healing application of traditional Chinese medicine. It is carried out in the Vitality and Wellness Hotel Zum Kurfürsten by alternative practitioners with several years of special training in traditional Chinese medicine. The Tuina massage involves massaging through a cloth without oil. The massage takes place along the meridians and acupuncture points by pressing, pushing, pulling with fingers, hands, elbows. Sometimes the therapist also uses his entire forearm. Tuina mainly serves to activate Qi, the life energy. By stimulating the meridians, blockages of the Qi flow are released and the blood circulation is improved. Tuina massages are a very effective alternative to acupuncture if a patient is too sensitive to it. The Tuina massage is particularly recommended by the TCM specialists of the Vital and Wellness Hotel Zum Kurfürsten for the indications headache and backache, musculoskeletal disorders, nervousness, exhaustion, burn-out, palpitations, sleep disorders. The Tuina massage can be used as a draining massage or as a strengthening massage. Both types of massage of the Tuina of Traditional Chinese Medicine are different. So it is possible that during a visit you will receive a gentle and slow dissipative massage that works clockwise against the course of the meridian. And on a next visit, the therapist may diagnose the need for a restorative massage. Here you would then work harder and counter-clockwise along the course of the meridian. Why don't you take one View of a Tuina massage.. You can also reserve the Tuina massage of traditional Chinese medicine in the wellness hotel directly here. Or you can book them in Framework of the stay in the wellness hotel.