Successes of TCM by KUR FÜRST
Our therapists have already successfully treated many indications with TCM by KUR FÜRST. Amongst other things:
- Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis
- Follow-up treatment of total operations, such as breast or uterus removal,
- Pre- and post-menstrual syndrome
- back pain
- sleep disorders
- Pain symptoms, such as B. tennis elbow, migraines, headaches, carpal tunnel syndrome, chronic tension, sciatica, pain in the hip
- Stress
- Addiction cessation, including nicotine withdrawal
- Ulcer in the stomach and duodenum
- Unfulfilled desire for children
- Digestive problems including chronic constipation and diarrhea
- Spinal diseases including herniated discs
- Allergies
- arthrosis
- Blood pressure disorders
- Burnout
- Chemotherapy - accompaniment and / or follow-up treatment
- Depression
- Circulatory disorders
- Endocrine diseases
- exhaustion
- Memory problems
- joint pain
- Skin diseases including neurodermatitis and psoriasis
- Inner unrest
- concentration problems
- Stomach disorders